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Dr. Emily Robins Sharpe

Photo of Dr. Emily Robins Sharpe
Parker Hall 202 • M/S 1402

Emily Robins Sharpe is a professor of English and an affiliate faculty member of the departments of Women’s and Gender Studies and Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College. Her book Mosaic Fictions: Writing Identity in the Spanish Civil War was recently published by the University of Toronto Press. With Bart Vautour and Kaarina Mikalson, she also co-directs a Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada-funded multi-phase archival project, “Canada and the Spanish Civil War.” As part of this project, she has edited two scholarly editions of out-of-print Canadian texts about the war, Hugh Garner’s Best Stories and, with Vautour, Charles Yale Harrison’s Meet Me on the Barricades. Please see to learn more.

Degrees & Credentials: BA with first-class honours in English, University of King’s College and Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia); MA and PhD in English, the Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA).

Professional Interests: International and multi-ethnic depictions of the Spanish Civil War, transnational Anglophone modernism, postcolonial and cosmopolitan theory, Jewish literatures, gender and sexuality, and the digital humanities.

Professional Background: From 2012-2013, held an Editing Modernism in Canada postdoctoral fellowship in the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph, (Guelph, Ontario). Taught undergraduate English courses at the University of Guelph and Penn State.

Awards & Accolades: Collaborator on a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant, to fund research for “Canada and the Spanish Civil War" (2014-2019).

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