James D. Ewing World Affairs Lecture on October 13

Keene State College Hosts Talk about Building Racial and Gender Justice Across Borders
James D. Ewing World Affairs Lecture Welcomes Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty from Syracuse University
Keene State College’s James D. Ewing World Affairs Lecture will host Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, chair and distinguished professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Syracuse University. She will speak about cultivating racial and gender justice across borders. The talk is free and open to the public.
What: “Confronting Imperial Democracies: Cultivating a Passion for Gender Justice” by Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Where: Keene State College, Alumni Center, Centennial Hall
When: Tuesday, October 13, 7 p.m.
Reflecting on her own journey as a feminist from the Global South, and committed to building cross-border solidarities, Dr. Chandra Talpade Mohanty examines the US/Mexico Border struggles around immigration, and cross border indigenous rights in the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas; Israel’s rule over the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank/Gaza; and India’s military rule and occupation of the Kashmir Valley (Jammu and Kashmir) as areas of normalized violence. Mohanty suggests that social justice advocates need to confront them as imperial democracies.
About the James D. Ewing World Affairs Lecture
The James D. Ewing World Affairs Lecture was named in honor of James Ewing, who owned and published The Keene Sentinel, an award-winning daily newspaper for the Monadnock Region, from 1954 to 1993.
The endowment has been established to bring speakers to Keene State College and the Keene community to address current public or world affairs issues.
During his years as publisher of the Keene Sentinel, Mr. Ewing successfully campaigned for a wide range of local and state causes, including environmental protection, freedom of information, and public services for the poor. His lifelong dedication was to raise the standards of journalism at home and abroad, to advocate for strong news coverage, open-meeting laws, and fair reporting. His newspaper philosophy was “to help make the Sentinel a force for progress in all senses, and to make a contribution toward a richer life for every person within our reach.”
Mr. Ewing was active in civic and cultural organizations and supported many causes in Keene and beyond. He founded the New Hampshire Humanities Council in 1973 and served as director for the MacDowell Colony, Yankee Publishing Corp., Keene Regional Industrial Foundation, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce, and the Monadnock United Way. He helped launch the International Center for Journalists, a Washington, DC-based training institute for journalists from around the world. For three years, he served as a judge for the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism.